Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon Training: Week Four

Monday: Rest

To celebrate my official rest day, I drank this.


Tuesday: 3.63 miles (9:37 pace)

I was exhausted from two weeks of poor sleep finally catching up to me, but good company got me through this run.

Wednesday – Friday: Rest

My mid-week training kind of ended up being a fail. One was legitimately due to weather but the other two days were just me not choosing to make getting a run in, a priority.

On Wednesday, right before my last PT appointment, I got an email from the race director of the 5K I ran last weekend, telling me that the results were in and I officially placed 1st in my age group! Since the community center is five minutes away from Orthology, I swung by and picked up my medal!


Thursday night, I had a work event and didn’t get home until 11 p.m. Friday night, I took J out for his birthday and I didn’t get to bed until midnight. #tooold


Kevin Nealon — only kind of funny


Delicious cocktails

Saturday: 3 miles with the stroller (9:58 pace)

Got a second run with the BOB under my belt and it did not feel any easier. It didn’t help that I was running into the wind for most of mile 2. And going uphill is the WORST. Luckily, Calvin was pretty happy on this run, up until close to the end, when he started melting down. He pretty much chattered away, happily, for most of it.



Sunday: 7 miles (9:54 pace)


When I looked at this at 4 a.m., it looked very different

I was going to visit a friend in St. Peter and wanted to time it to get Calvin’s first nap to take place in the car, so I planned to get up and run at 6 and then be back home to get ready, etc. and be on the road by 8:30 or so. With rain in the forecast, I started to get nervous about getting in my long run, so when Kate said she could run together if we went at 5, I actually said yes. I was in bed the night before by 9 and Calvin got up once around 2:30 a.m. to eat. When my alarm went off at 4, I actually didn’t feel too bad. Weather Underground said that it wasn’t going to rain until 9 — nice! I ate a Picky Bar, left a bottle for Calvin, and drove to Kate’s.

We did one of my favorite loops and saw a grand total of ONE other runner out. It started sprinkling during the third mile of the run, but we saw a few flashes of lightning. Then, with a half a mile to go, the rain picked up. By the time we made it back to Kate’s house, it was pouring (thanks for nothing, Weather Underground). But still, that was pretty amazing timing.

The run overall went pretty well, but since I haven’t done too many back to back runs this training cycle, my legs did feel a bit heavy. Looking forward to this week’s training and a 10K race on Saturday!


Early morning or evening runs?

3 thoughts on “Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon Training: Week Four

  1. Early morning. It sets the tone for my day and puts me in a “I can handle anything thrown my way” kind of mood.

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